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tiantai term for the hīnayāna sūtras
酪经  detail>>
of hīnayāna
预流果  detail>>
or hīnayāna
藏教  detail>>
the laws or methods of hīnayāna
小法  detail>>
the sects of hīnayāna
小宗  detail>>
for the eighteen hīnayāna sects see
五部律  detail>>
hīnayāna discipline to ensure nirvāa
寂静行  detail>>
the hīnayāna nirvāa-realm or border
寂然界  detail>>
the hīnayāna āstras or abhidharma
小乘论  detail>>
a tiantai term for the
含中教  detail>>
Ⅰ形容词 1.(食品中油脂过多, 使人不想吃) greasy; oily  短语和例子   汤太腻了。the soup is too oily. 这炖...  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(丧失自由受人役使的人) bondservant; 农奴 serf 2.(姓氏) a surname  短语和例子   奴伟 n...  detail>>
Ⅰ名词 1.(写字绘画的用品) china [chinese] ink; ink cake; ink stick 2.(写字、绘画或印刷用的颜料) ink  短语和例子&...  detail>>
secondary sons hīnayānists
度子  detail>>
na h-eileanan siar
埃利安锡尔  detail>>
法华宗 黄埔天泰 天台宗  detail>>
都赖 特拉什  detail>>
 adv.  〔古语〕 1.否,不 (opp. yea)。 2.不但如是,而且〔发言时表示“好,唔,是的”等语气〕。  短语和例子...  detail>>